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LOVE from the Grand Universe ~ Wisdom from the Heavens Collection


In the sharing of books written from the Heavens Above ~ Tracy O'Flaherty ~ all writings are freely shared

or can be purchased to hold in your hand.  ~ Blessings and Love ~


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Tracy O'Flaherty - LOVE from the Grand Universe - Wisdom from the Heavens Collection
LOVE from the Grand Universe - Wisdom from the Heavens - Gift Book
Tracy O'Flaherty - LOVE from the Grand Universe - Wisdom from the Heavens - Compassionate Compassion Collection

Wisdom from the Heavens – is just that – wisdom from the heavens. A sharing of a Collective Consciousness to allow space for mankind to understand their own brilliance and the miracle of Mother Earth.


The words are a gentle reminder that each soul is connected in the Oneness of the Universe – Mother Earth and the heavens – for light shines upon each soul and extended forth from one's magnificent inner essence – we are love and in its purest form, love becomes light.


Share your brilliance – cherish who you are for the book held in your hands is for you to discover your love that is held within for the sharing of compassion – kindness and Oneness.

~ Upon awakening find stillness to hear your heart – find the peaceful moment to extend gratitude for the miracles of the new day – the miracle of who you are – and a new day to share the best of you – be mindful of your words – place kindness before unkindness – place compassion before lack of compassion and watch how the Universe delivers to you the blessings of the new day – you are held in the palms of Creation – create your personal creations with love ~

~ In the perfection of the new day is held your choices – in the perfection of the sunrise is held your inner beauty of light – the perfection of each breath – an inhale of the new day is your gift to share love – the perfection of your Divine Light held within is there to share love – love for oneself – love for others – love for mankind – love for Mother Earth and all Mother Earth holds – for what is held in the perfection of your light is held in the perfection of Divine Light – Divine is shared with you and the perfection of the new day is a gift to all ~

© Copyright 2018. All Rights Reserved. LOVE from the Grand Universe ~ Wisdom from the Heavens ~ Registration Number 1148378

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